Bffs Fresh Spring Look

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Bffs Fresh Spring Look

You need to make a stylish combination for Bffs Fresh Spring Look girls for their dates. There are 4 girls in the game that you need to prepare. With their hair colors, makeup and clothes, they all have their own style. The game shows with a hand sign which order you should follow when preparing Bffs Fresh Spring Look girls. First of all, you should start with the makeup of the brunette girl with curly hair in the upper left corner. There are eyebrow shapes in the right corner of the screen, while in the lower corner there is a table with eyebrow color, blush, eyeshadow and lipstick elements so that you can continue makeup. After you decide how you want to do the makeup, you go to the part where you will decide on accessories by tapping the green tick mark. After choosing a stylish earring for your daughter, you need to choose necklaces, glasses and bags to complement her accessories. Under the accessories, there are all beautifully prepared hairstyles from each other. after choosing her hair and outfit, your daughter is now ready for the date. When you tap the green tick mark, the game directs you to the second girl with blonde hair. After you have prepared her, you are creating a combination of the third Bffs Fresh Spring Look girl with green hair and the fourth Bffs Fresh Spring Look girl with different style.

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