Feudalism 3

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7 veto, 3.6/5
Feudalism 3

Feudalism 3 is an addictive strategy game with a lot of role-playing elements. In this game, which is two-dimensional, there are 5 different nations and classes connected to them. These classes can be listed as Battle Mage, Assassin, Samurai, Inquisitor and Knight. You can choose one to go on an adventure and start the game right away. The importance of strategy is very great in this exciting war game. Because the choices you make determine the outcome of these glorious wars. Another of the remarkable elements in this game are the runes. You can use these runes, which are attached to armor parts and weapons, with the help of NPCs. There are also upgrades for armors and weapons. In addition to the seller in the game, which allows you to buy and sell your items, there is also another seller that you hire your army to use in battles. Feudalism 3 also allows you to use strategy during the battle. You can press the sign on the right edge of the game screen to stop the game and determine which fighter you want to fight with which enemy. 

In this game, where you mostly use your mouse, you can use the skills you have acquired by placing them in the skill bar with the keys between 1-9 on your keyboard. Dec. You can get your skills with the skill points you get as you level up. And again, don't forget to distribute the character development points you get as you level up. Prepare your army with Feudalism 3, determine your strategy and start sieges immediately.

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