Dr Green Alien

Dr Green Alien Play
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Dr Green Alien

DR Green Alien, which is among the most different arcade and adventure games, is signed by the developer named FBK. If you are ready for an exciting adventure in a mysterious world, this game is for you! You have to save our little alien character, who is stuck in the middle of strange creatures, from the situation he is in. In the meantime, you will come across toxic wastes, you should be careful while collecting them. When you say toxic waste collection, of course, your task is not to eliminate environmental pollution. These wastes are a serious threat to your character.

You will also need weapons to kill the enemies you encounter. You may have encountered many alien games before. But we argue that this is different from all of them. Green Alien, who is in big trouble and waiting for your help, will give you a lot of trouble. So don't keep him waiting any longer!

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