Snakes and Ladders

Snakes and Ladders Play
1 veto, 5.0/5
Snakes and Ladders

How are things with animals ? Yeah, well, we know you like it, so we brought you a puzzle-like Game. Snakes and Ladders! with a total of 6 friends you can get the chance to play. You can play against the computer by yourself if you want. When you have to do it in the game, everyone moves as many dice as they have in Snakes and Ladders by rolling one dice in turn. It gives you an extra chance to roll the dice every time you go up the stairs. Who will reach the yellow ladder first and complete the game ?  but if your dice stay around the snakes, you'll be as far back as you came. Now you can overcome this game by gathering your weakest friends. We wish you good fun with Snakes and Ladders and good luck friends.

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